As of August 1, 2024, individual brokers will gain access to the renewal portion of IRIS. (If you are a Principal Broker, please consult the Principal Broker Renewal Info webpage for information.)

Visit our Renewal Centre and Renewal FAQs for information about the 2024-2025 license renewal process and fees.

If you require help with logging into IRIS, our broker management system, visit IRIS Introduction for guides, video tutorials and more.

Watch our Individual Broker’s Renewal Guide video showing how to renew their own license, complete their payment and check their renewal status.

Individual Renewal Questions

To access the questions, individual brokers need to log into IRIS, click on the ‘Renewals’ tile, and then click on ‘Renewal Questions.’

Residency Information and Continuing Education

1. Are you an Ontario Resident? Yes/No

  • If you answer yes, you will be asked question 2.
  • If you answer no, you will be asked to select the option below that best applies to your situation:
    • a) As a resident of Canada licensed in my home jurisdiction that has continuing education requirements, I am meeting the continuing education requirements of the regulator in my home jurisdiction.
    • b) As a resident of Canada licensed in my home jurisdiction that does not have continuing education requirements, I understand that I must complete the applicable RIBO continuing education requirements for this year (on or before September 30)
    • c) As a resident of Canada NOT licensed in my home jurisdiction, I understand that I must complete the applicable RIBO continuing education requirements for this year (on or before September 30)
    • d) As a non-Canadian resident, I understand that I must complete the applicable RIBO continuing education requirements for this year (on or before September 30)

2. Do you understand that you must complete the applicable RIBO continuing education requirements for this year (on or before September 30th)? Yes/No

Other Licenses

3. I am currently licensed as a General Insurance Agent or Broker in one or more other Canadian provinces (outside of Ontario). Yes/No

  • If you answer yes, you will need to select all the other Canadian provinces that you are currently licensed in.

4. Have you had any insurance licenses or your General Insurance, Life, Accident & Sickness, or any other professional registration refused, suspended, cancelled, or had any disciplinary action taken against you that has not been previously reported to RIBO? Yes/No

  • If you answer yes, you will need to provide details and attach supporting documentation.

Secondary Business or Other Occupation

5. Do you have a second occupation, or do you operate another business outside of being an insurance broker? Yes/No

  • If you answer yes, you will need to select the option that best applies to your situation:
    • a) I have previously received an exemption for conducting other business outside of insurance from RIBO.
    • b) I am in the process of applying for a secondary business application with RIBO.
    • c) I need to complete a secondary business application and submit it for RIBO’s approval with Principal Broker support.


6. Have you engaged in any business that has been the subject of bankruptcy proceedings, or have you been declared personally bankrupt in Canada or anywhere in the world that you have not previously reported to RIBO? Yes/No

  • If you answer yes, you will need to provide details and attach supporting documentation.

Other Questions

7. Have you been convicted of an offence under the Insurance Act in any Canadian province, the Criminal Code, or any other laws in Canada, or anywhere in the world that you have not previously reported to RIBO? Yes/No

  • If you answer yes, you will need to provide details and attach supporting documentation.

8. Are there any ongoing legal proceedings, or regulatory proceedings (involving other regulators) against you or any business of which you are an officer, director, partner or controlling shareholder in the Province of Ontario, or any other province or territory, or anywhere in the world, that you have not previously reported to RIBO? Yes/No

  • If you answer yes, you will need to provide details and attach supporting documentation.

9. Are you currently the subject of a judgement, court order or any other decision made against you in the Province of Ontario or anywhere in the world that you have not previously reported to RIBO? Yes/No

  • If you answer yes, you will need to provide details and attach supporting documentation.

Watch our Individual Broker’s Renewal Guide video showing how to renew their own license, complete their payment and check their renewal status.

The video will open up in a separate window. You will need to click on the next screen to watch the video.

Video Chapter Guide

  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 0:47 Additional Support and Resources
  • 1:41 System Settings and Orientation
  • 2:53 Starting Your Renewal
  • 3:07 Individual Broker Renewal
  • 3:36 Individual Broker Renewal – Step 1: Contact Information
  • 5:20 Individual Broker Renewal – Step 2: Renewal Questions
  • 7:34 Individual Broker Renewal – Step 3: Notice and Statement of Accuracy
  • 8:37 Individual Broker Renewal – Step 4: Renewal Payment
  • 11:37 Conclusion