Sample Case Study Examination Question
Three (3) budgets a broker should develop are:
- Income or Sales Budget
- Expense Budget
- Cash Budget
Briefly describe each one and its purpose. (9 marks)
Analyze the Question:
- There are three (3) types of budgets listed.
- A brief description of each type of budget and its purpose is required.
- The mark value is 9 so each type of budget is worth 3 marks.
An appropriate Answer:
- Income or Sales Budget – details anticipated income receivable from all sources for the planning period (usually one year) with monthly breakdown. It tells the broker what his/her income is likely to be.
- Expense Budget – details the anticipated expenses during planning period. It tells the broker what his/her expenses are likely to be so that he/she can compare them to income to ensure a positive result.
- Cash Budget – details anticipated cash available at each month end to cover expenses. If expenses in a particular month will exceed income, then additional monies will have to be found to cover the shortfall. This budget is the leading indicator to the broker that he/she could be in a negative position later in the year unless remedial action is taken.