Level 1 – Entry-Level Broker Exam

Exam Length: 3 Hours

Exam Format:

  • As of January 2025, the exam consists of 100 multiple choice graded questions.
    • General Insurance and Industry Knowledge (25 questions) 
    • Personal Lines Automobile (25 questions)
    • Personal Lines Habitational (25 questions) 
    • Commercial Lines (20 questions) 
    • Travel (5 questions)
  • See RIBO’s Exam Standards and Level 1 exam blueprint and an overview of these changes for more information.
  • There will be 15 piloted questions, which would not count towards your overall grade.

Passing Grade: 75% (75 out of 100)

Eligibility to Write the Exam:

Writing the Level 1 Exam is the first step in becoming a licensed insurance broker in Ontario. The exam will test a range of subjects, including but not limited to, legislation such as the RIB Act, Regulations, RIBO By-laws, as well as, insurance product knowledge include automobile, habitational, travel health, and general policies.

Candidates who pass the current Level 1 Examination may sell Travel Health Insurance. Additionally, Accident & Sickness insurance is most commonly included as part of a Life Insurance Agent’s License from the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). FSRA has a specific Accident & Sickness examination. The Accident & Sickness restriction can be removed from a RIBO registration by submitting a copy of a current life license including Accident & Sickness or evidence of passing the Accident & Sickness examination.

Upon completion of the RIBO exam, results will be provided to you by the exam provider two weeks after your exam date. Please contact your exam provider directly for your results, not RIBO. 

Additional qualification requirements for obtaining a RIBO license are detailed here.

How to Apply to Write the Examination

You can register for a RIBO exam with the following exam providers:

Candidates are eligible to rewrite within the 8-month period following their first examination per exam provider. Candidates after two failed attempts are subject to an 8-month waiting period following their second failed attempt with the same service provider. Exam results will be invalid and will not count towards licensing if an individual attempts any exam(s) more than twice in an 8-month period with any single exam provider. 

Sample Examination Questions

To help you prepare for the examination, please refer to the Level 1 Examination Sample Questions and Answers

Self Study

We provide high-level policies and resources to study and prepare for the exam. The list is not exhaustive. Candidates should refer to the Level 1 Entry Level Broker Competency Profile and Blueprint for a detailed list of study materials under the Supporting Knowledge column.

If you consider self-study use the following resources OAP 1, RIBO By-Laws No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, RIB Act, Ontario Regulation 989, 990, 991. RIBO doesn’t offer any courses but organizations like the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO) or the Insurance Institute of Ontario (IIO) have some that you can take. Please visit their websites for more information.

Read RIBO’s Consolidated Examinee Resource for OAP 1, By-Laws No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, RIB Act, Ontario Regulation 308/98, 990 and 991 in one convenient document.