
Do not send the continuing education certificates to RIBO. Each individual is responsible for their continuing education hours and certificates as the continuing education program is self-regulatory. It is recommended that each individual maintain a Continuing Education Record Sheet and folder to place the certificates received from seminar providers. There will be a question on the annual renewal form to declare compliance with the Continuing Education Program. For spot check purposes, continuing education certificates should be kept for 5 years to indicate compliance with the Continuing Education Program. The Principal Broker will be responsible for ensuring that licensed individuals comply with RIBO requirements.


Penalties for non-compliance will be imposed by the Qualification and Registration Committee. Non-compliance by:

Principal Brokers

  • Will result in the registration of the Principal Broker being referred to the Qualification and Registration Committee to review and revoke the Principal Broker status. This may also result in the brokerage firm being subject to review by the Qualification and Registration Committee for non-compliance of the Principal Broker requirement.

Deputy Principal Brokers and other licensed individuals

  • Will result in the suspension of the license until full compliance has been met