1. RIBO reserves the right to remove the Accreditation of a provider and/or a specific course should it not meet the required standards. Notice will be given in written form.
2. All seminars/courses and self-study programs, must be at least one (1) hour or more in length to be eligible for accreditation and must meet the following definition categories: Management, Technical, and/or Personal Skills.
3. Submit to RIBO for approval, a detailed description of all seminars and/or courses to be accredited by RIBO for Continuing Education purposes. Details to include the hours of instruction (excluding all breaks).
4. Course provider to issue to the attendees a certificate or letter of attendance and/or completion of a course/seminar indicating individual name, name and date of course, course facilitator, category, and hours
of credit applied providing that the individual has attended the full session.
5. If approved, the accreditation is valid for a period of three (3) years. Also, RIBO reserves the right to monitor the content and delivery of course material.
6. RIBO may request from time to time copies of critique forms completed by course/seminar participants.
7. The organization agrees to appoint a liaison with RIBO.

NOTE: An incomplete application of failure to attach any requested items will result in delays