Effective October 1, 2016, all Continuing Education (CE) applications are subject to a fee. In addition, accredited courses are subject to a three-year validation period from the date of approval. Upon expiration, accreditation reapplication will be required.
Effective August 1, 2023, application fees have increased:
Course provider fees: $150
In-house fees: $50
Application Process
Submit your course offering for review and accreditation assignment by clicking the button below.
To complete the form, ensure you have the following:
- Appropriate fee amount (as indicated on the form)
- Relevant materials (i.e. presenter biographies, presentation slides, timed agenda, outline, description, etc.)
Once the application has been received, it is provided to a panel to review and assign accreditation. The process typically takes about 20 business days. Upon approval and an accreditation decision, the course is immediately available on our Continuing Education Courses webpage.
Important Things to Include for Conferences
- A detailed agenda with a timeline breakdown including lunches, breaks, and group work/discussions.
- How in-person attendance for each session will be monitored. There must be a ‘sign in and sign out’ process to qualify for CE. If it is a hybrid (in-person and online) session, how attendance will be monitored for online attendees and will be more scrutinized.
- Sufficient session(s)’s information content to determine qualification for CE:
- Presentation slides for individual sessions
- Detailed outlines for individual sessions
- A conference as a whole can be accredited if the content is deemed to be relevant to RIBO brokers and if the course provider confirms that CE hours will be given only to individuals who attend every session in the conference.
- If the course provider wishes to offer CE hours for each individual session, a separate application will be required for each session.
- A maximum of three CE hours can be assigned for each day of a conference.
- Any deviations from a typical conference, such as concurrent sessions, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.